Freedom Day

It is Freedom Day in South Africa! What does Freedom mean to you? What does Freedom mean for our Earth? These are important issues to sit and think about… “I have walked that long road to freedom. I have tried not to falter; I have made missteps along the way. But I have discovered the… Continue reading Freedom Day

Forests for Earth Day!

Earth Kids creating art for Earth Day – Forests for Friday. What do you see in these beautiful creations? Try to do your own one just for fun! Taking action in nature, for environment. Check out this beautiful graphic regarding forests – it says it all. Climate change poses a huge threat to all trees.… Continue reading Forests for Earth Day!

Art for Earth

Art for Earth, Earth for Art. Earth Day Art. Humans need two vital things daily: Nature and Art! Without these, we would cease to be. Nature is our Provider. Art is creative and feeds the brain, the emotions and holistic health. Above all, we are born on Earth and we end on Earth. With that… Continue reading Art for Earth

Pow Wow

Pow wow. Earth Kids have their say during a gardening session. We call it a pow wow session. They air their views about how they would like their day to play out. Teachers listen and apply, adding boundaries and prior knowledge. We all share knowledge and learn from one another. Empathy not Sympathy Empathy is… Continue reading Pow Wow