Earth Kids are taking action. For the environment. We believe in education in nature. We are acting now to change the way we all live. Bring on the kids to BE the change! Our kids need a healthy planet in which to root their lives and make space for their fellow humans. It is time for change. Not climate change.

Plant a seed and watch it grow. The cycle of life. The shoots and roots grow tall and strong. Education in nature, for environment. Earth Kids Taking Action is a seed planted in Noordhoek, Cape Town. The shoots and roots show the growth, internally and externally of our kids and their small innovative ‘school’.

Earth Kids are taking action now now – our team is budding and branching out. Earth Kids use a unique teaching and learning concept. Earth is our leader, the environment our sister. Kids can be the change they want to see.

Earth Kids took root because we believe that the Earth is Magnificent and needs to Cool Down! Climate Change and Global Warming need attention now. Bring on the kids!

Earth Kids are Taking Action using film. We want to broadcast what we do to the greater global society. We want to convert those people who remain unaware or not empathetic to Earth’s future or demise.

Earth Kids know that nature, the environment, is our classroom and we use technology to spread our word: BRING ON THE KIDS AND SAVE OUR EARTH!

Earth Kids continues to teach our kids during the Covid-19 Pandemic. We follow all protocols as advised by the Health Minister in terms of safety. Please refer to the relevant government documentation.